How to reach us
* by train (direction to Uzhhorod) to Slavske station (6 km) or Skole station (35 km) From Slavske railway station you can reach by taxi, or by ordering the TRANSFER
View the schedule of trains of Slavske at UKRZALIZNYTSIA site
View the schedule of suburban trains of Slavske station
* by train or plane to Lviv (135 km), then by train, bus or shuttle bus to Slavske village and a taxi to the tourist complex.
* by car in the direction of Slavske (to the Kyiv-Chop E50 international highway – 30 km). Between Skole town and Korostiv village at the crossroads should be drawn from the road in the direction of Slavske village and drive 28 km to“ZakharBerkut” TC. GPS coordinates: 48.799419, 23.447071
Our address:
82663 Ukraine, Lviv region, Skole district, Volosianka village,
- Khmelnytskoho Str. 1
Tel./Fax: 38 (03251) 4-27-99
Mob .: 38 (067) 353-14-15
GPS: 48.799419, 23.447071
Video Gallery
Photo Gallery
- Готель Захар Беркут